Welcome to the online exam site of the University of Debrecen.
In this exam site we use Hungarian time. Please make sure you check and compare the time zones to be on time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/hungary/debrecen
The entrance exam test is available within the previously indicated time-frame (for more details please see the information email you received from our university about the entrance exam). Within this time period you have 30 minutes to complete it.
Once you start one test you cannot interrupt it. Within the test you can only move forward and you will not be able to go back to a previous page of questions to make changes. Please attempt the test only if you are ready to complete it uninterrupted but leaving sufficient time for yourself to finish the test while it is available.
Please ignore all tests with "Hidden" or "Restricted" comments, you cannot open them as those tests are not relevant for you.
Use of the internet, books, notes or additional electronic devices, etc. is strictly not allowed during the exam. Using any of the above or someone helping the applicant will result in suspension of the exam.
Instruction on system requirements
You MUST use a modern, well-updated browser and enable JavaScript supporting to render special formulas (consider other software components like adblockers, firewalls, antivirus programs, etc). No complaints are accepted during the admission tests and retake of the test is not possible.